MCKS Charitable Foundation UK

Committed to alleviating suffering by providing caring, compassionate support to those in need.

Charity Number: 1188773

Our Work

We undertake research to validate pressing social issues and focus our support where our charity can have the greatest impact.

Our current schools programmes provide:

Food Pantries & Breakfast Clubs

Sanitary Supplies & Toiletries

Seasonal support for holidays and exam periods

Emergency Care Packages

Too many children in this country have day to day anxieties that come through poverty and living without essentials such as food and toiletries
Children supported each week
Children in Breakfast Clubs each week
Emergency Food Parcels to Schools

Support Us

There are a number ways to support the charity by fundraising with your family, friends and in your community.

Your fundraising efforts will help support children and schools across the UK.

Thank You Messages from Schools